Christopher Hawgood
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Work for doctors in Great Britain

There are many vacancies for well-qualified and experienced doctors in hospitals and general practice in Great Britain, but it can be very difficult to make successful applications, and too many applicants fail in the attempt, and are disappointed and frustrated.

Now, however, doctors who want to work in Great Britain can be given help in applying for medical licenses and in obtaining good jobs.

Christopher Hawgood is an Englishmen who lives in Copenhagen; during the past 8 years, he has recruited about 60 Polish specialists to work in Danish hospitals and in the last 4 years around 25 doctors, and a number of dentists, to work in the UK.

Many doctors have asked Christopher Hawgood to help them to find jobs, and so, in collaboration with colleagues in England, Christopher Hawgood is now recruiting specialists, specialty doctors and as general practitioners in Great Britain.

To do this recruitment successfully, Christopher Hawgood is offering to help suitably-qualified doctors to make applications. The help will be provided in several linked steps; each doctor’s qualifications and experience will be assessed, and the applicants will be told whether there is a realistic possibility of obtaining a suitable job in Great Britain; each candidate who is suitably-qualified will be given help and support in creating a high-quality dossier, which will contain the documentary evidence which is needed for obtaining a medical license to work in Great Britain, and to apply for suitable work there and when applicants are ready for work in Great Britain, they will be helped in making applications to hospitals and other employers who have specific suitable job-vacancies.

Christopher Hawgood and his colleagues will not charge a fee to doctors who are provided with this help.   

Copyright © Christopher Hawgood 2002 - 2009. All rights reserved.
